Introduction to data structures in xarray#

Now that you have learned a bit of basics about raster data and how to create a simple 2-dimensional raster array using numpy, we continue to explore in a more comprehensive manner how to work with real-world raster data using xarray and rioxarray libraries (+ other relevant libraries linked to them). The xarray library is a highly useful tool for storing, representing and manipulating raster data, while rioxarray provides various raster processing (GIS) capabilities on top of the xarray data structures, such as reading and writing several different raster formats and conducting different geocomputational tasks. Under the hood, rioxarray uses another Python library called rasterio (that works with N-dimensional numpy arrays) but the benefit of xarray and rioxarrayis that they provide easier and more intuitive way to work with raster data layers, in a bit similar manner as working with vector data using geopandas.

When working with raster data, you typically have various layers that represent different geographical features of the world (e.g. elevation, temperature, precipitation etc.) and this data is possibly captured at different times of the year/day/hour, meaning that you may have longitudinal (repetitive) observations from the same area, constituting time series data. More often than not, you need to combine information from these layers to be able to conduct meaningful analysis based on the data, such as do a weather forecast. One of the greatest benefits of xarray is that you can easily store, combine and analyze all these different layers via a single object, i.e. a Dataset.

Key xarray datastructures: Dataset and DataArray#

The two fundamental data structures provided by the xarray library are DataArray and Dataset (Figure 7.2). Both of them build upon and extend the strengths of numpy and pandas libraries. The DataArray is a labeled N-dimensional array that is similar to pandas.Series but works with raster data (stored as numpy arrays). The Dataset then again is a multi-dimensional in-memory array database that contains multiple DataArray objects. In addition to the variables containing the observations of a given phenomena, you also have the x and y coordinates of the observations stored in separate layers, as well as metadata providing relevant information about your data, such as Coordinate Reference System and/or time. Thus, a Dataset containing raster data is very similar to geopandas.GeoDataFrame and actually various xarray operations can feel very familiar if you have learned the basics of pandas and geopandas covered in Chapters 3 and 6.

Figure 7.2. Key  data structures. Image source: Xarray Community (2024), licensed under Apache 2.0.

Figure 7.2 Key xarray data structures. Image source: Xarray Community (2024), licensed under Apache 2.0.

Some of the benefits of xarray include:

  • A more intuitive and user-friendly interface to work with multidimensional arrays (compared e.g. to numpy)

  • The possibility to select and combine data along a dimension across all arrays in a Dataset simultaneously

  • Compatibility with a large ecosystem of Python libraries that work with arrays / raster data

  • Tight integration of functionalities from well-known Python data analysis libraries, such as pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and dask

In the following, we will continue by introducing some of the basic functionalities of the xarray data structures.

Reading a file into Dataset#

We start by investigating a simple elevation dataset using xarray that represents a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Kilimanjaro area in Tanzania. To read a raster data file (such as GeoTIFF) into xarray, we can use the .open_dataset() function. Here, we read a .tif file directly from a cloud storage space that we have created for this book:

import xarray as xr

url = ""
data = xr.open_dataset(url, engine="rasterio")
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 52MB
Dimensions:      (band: 1, x: 3601, y: 3601)
  * band         (band) int64 8B 1
  * x            (x) float64 29kB 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 ... 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0
  * y            (y) float64 29kB -2.0 -2.0 -2.001 -2.001 ... -2.999 -3.0 -3.0
    spatial_ref  int64 8B ...
Data variables:
    band_data    (band, y, x) float32 52MB ...

Now we have read the GeoTIFF file into an xarray.Dataset data structure which we stored into a variable data. The Dataset contains the actual data values for the raster cells, as well as other relevant attribute information related to the data:

  • Dimensions show the number of bands (in our case 1), and the number of cells (3601) on the x and y axis

  • Coordinates is a container that contains the actual x and y coordinates of the cells, the Coordinate Reference System information stored in the spatial_ref attribute, and the band attribute that shows the number of bands in our data.

  • Data variables contains the actual data values of the cells (e.g. elevations as in our data)

Because our Dataset only consists of a single band (i.e. the elevation values), it might make sense to reduce the dimensions of our dataset by dropping the band attribute because it is not really providing any useful information for us. We can subset our data and remove a specific dimension from our data by using the .squeeze() method. In the following, we drop the "band" dimension:

data = data.squeeze("band", drop=True)
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 52MB
Dimensions:      (x: 3601, y: 3601)
  * x            (x) float64 29kB 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 ... 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0
  * y            (y) float64 29kB -2.0 -2.0 -2.001 -2.001 ... -2.999 -3.0 -3.0
    spatial_ref  int64 8B ...
Data variables:
    band_data    (y, x) float32 52MB ...

As a result, now the Dimensions and Coordinates only shows the data for x and y axis, meaning that the unnecessary data was successfully removed.

Renaming data variables#

To make the data more intuitive to use, we can also change the name of the data variable from band_data into elevation. In this way, it is more evident what our data is about. We can easily change the name of an attibute by using the .rename() method as follows which wants a dictionary with syntax {"old_name": "new_name"}:

data = data.rename({"band_data": "elevation"})
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 52MB
Dimensions:      (x: 3601, y: 3601)
  * x            (x) float64 29kB 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 ... 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0
  * y            (y) float64 29kB -2.0 -2.0 -2.001 -2.001 ... -2.999 -3.0 -3.0
    spatial_ref  int64 8B ...
Data variables:
    elevation    (y, x) float32 52MB ...

Now the name of our data variable was changed to elevation which makes it more intuitive and convenient to use than calling the variable with a very generic name band_data.

Extracting basic information about the raster dataset#

One of the typical things that you want to do when exploring a new dataset is to calculate some basic summary statistics out of the data, like finding the minimum and maximum values, as well as the mean and standard deviation of your data. To extract this information from your Dataset, xarray provides very similar functionalities as pandas to compute some basic statistics out of your data. For instance, we can easily extract the maximum elevation of our data by calling .max() method:

<xarray.DataArray 'elevation' ()> Size: 4B
array(2943., dtype=float32)
    spatial_ref  int64 8B ...

Ouch! That produces quite a lot of information as it happens that the xarray returns by default an DataArray as a result. However, when we explore the output, we can see that the single value in the array is 2943 which is the highest point in our data. However, it would be more useful to get the actual single number as a result when doing operations like these. Luckily, it is easy to extract the actual numerical value from the data by adding .item() after the command. The .item() method returns the xarray.Dataset element as a regular Python scalar value which is more similar to what e.g. pandas returns when you call the .max() or .min(), as demonstrated below:

# Dimensions
(3601, 3601)
# Resolution
(0.000277777777777778, -0.000277777777777778)
# Bounds of the file
(35.9998611111111, -3.000138888888889, 37.000138888888884, -1.99986111111111)
# Radiometric resolution of the DataArray

Creating a new data variable#

At the moment, we only have one data variable in our Dataset, i.e. the elevation. As a reference to vector data structures in geopandas library which we introduced in Chapter 6, this would correspond to a situation in which you would have a single column in your GeoDataFrame. However, it is very easy create new data variables into your Dataset e.g. based on specific calculations or data conversions. For instance, we might be interested to calculate the relative height (i.e. relief) based on our data which tells how much higher the elevations (e.g. the highest peak) are relative to the lowest elevation in the area. This can be easily calculated by subtracting the lowest elevation from the highest elevation in an area. In the following, we create a new data variable called "relative_height" into our Dataset based on a simple mathematical calculation. You can create new data variables into your Dataset by using square brackets and the name of your variable as a string (e.g. data["THE_NAME"]), as follows:

min_elevation = data["elevation"].min().item()

# Calculate the relief
data["relative_height"] = data["elevation"] - min_elevation
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 104MB
Dimensions:          (x: 3601, y: 3601)
  * x                (x) float64 29kB 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 ... 37.0 37.0 37.0
  * y                (y) float64 29kB -2.0 -2.0 -2.001 ... -2.999 -3.0 -3.0
    spatial_ref      int64 8B ...
Data variables:
    elevation        (y, x) float32 52MB 826.0 826.0 ... 1.301e+03 1.305e+03
    relative_height  (y, x) float32 52MB 258.0 258.0 255.0 ... 733.0 733.0 737.0

As a result, we now can see that a new data variable called "relative_height" was created and stored into our Dataset. All of the data variables stored in a Dataset are of type DataArray which is the N-dimensional array as we discussed at the beginning of this section. We can confirm the data type of our data variable by typing:


Ultimately, you can store as many data variables to your dataset as you like. In case you are interested to explore all the data variables that are presented in your Dataset, you can do this by calling .data_vars attribute as follows:

Data variables:
    elevation        (y, x) float32 52MB 826.0 826.0 ... 1.301e+03 1.305e+03
    relative_height  (y, x) float32 52MB 258.0 258.0 255.0 ... 733.0 733.0 737.0

Here, we can see the names of the data variables, as well as some basic information about the data itself including the data type, size of the data in MiB, and a snippet of the actual values in the DataArrays. In case you are only interested to find out the names of the data variables, you can extract them as a list as follows:

['elevation', 'relative_height']

Plotting a data variable#

Thus far we have explored some of the basic characteristics of the xarray data structures. However, we have not yet plotted anything on a map, which is also one of the typical things that you want to do whenever working with new data. The xarray library provides very similar plotting functionality as geopandas, i.e. you can easily create a visualization out of your DataArray objects by using the .plot() method that uses matplotlib library in the background. In the following, we create a simple map out of the "relative_height" data variable:

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x68c96b1d0>

Great! Now we have a nice simple map that shows the relative height of the landscape where the highest peaks of the mountains are clearly visible on the bottom left corner. Notice that we used the "terrain" as a colormap for our visualization which provides a decent starting point for our visualization. However, as you can see it does not make sense that the part of the elevations are colored with blue because there are no values that would be below the sea surface (0 meters). It is possible to deal with this issue by adjusting the colormap which you can learn from Chapter 8.

Writing a file#

Add material about writing to most common raster file formats.