Nearest neighbour analysis#

The idea of neighbourhood is one of the fundamental concepts in geographic data analysis and modelling. Being able to understand how close geographic objects are to each other, or which features are neighboring a specific location is fundamental to various spatial analysis techniques, such as spatial interpolation (which we cover in Chapter 10) or understanding whether there is spatial autocorrelation (i.e. clustering) in the data (see Chapters 6 and 7 in Rey et al., 2023). Many of these techniques rely on the idea that proximity in geographic space typically indicates also similarity in attribute space. For example, it is quite typical that a neighborhood with high population density is next to another neighborhood that also has high concentration of residents (i.e. population density tends to cluster). One of the most famous notions related to this is the First law of geography which states that “everything is related to everything, but near things are more related than distant things” (Tobler, 1970). Thus, being able to understand how close neighboring geographic features are, or which objects are the closest ones to specific location is an important task in GIS.

Figure 6.45 illustrates two common ways to find nearest neighbors to specific locations. In these examples, we have two Point datasets visualized with blue circles and red rectangles that are used for doing the nearest neighbor analysis. In the first example (top row), the idea is to find the closest geometry (rectangles) for all the points in the area. Here, the nearest neighbor is determined based on distance between the points and rectangles, and the nearest neighbors are visualized with a line from every point to the closest rectangle (on the right). The bottom row shows an example in which we aim to find the closest point for each rectangle, but in this case we also apply a maximum search distance that limits the search area. Only those points that are within the search area are considered when finding the nearest neighbor, while the points outside of this area are simply ignored. As a result, the point closest to a given rectangle is visualized with a connected line (on the right). In these examples, the geographic objects are simple point like features, but similar approach can be used with any geographic features, for example by finding closest LineString or Polygon geometry to a given Point, or by finding the closest Polygon to another Polygon. In these cases, the calculations are a bit more complicated, but the basic idea is the same.

Figure 6.46. The basic idea of finding a nearest neighbour based on geographic distance.

Figure 6.46. The basic idea of finding a nearest neighbour based on geographic distance.

Quite often with very large datasets, we might want to limit the search area up to a specific maximum distance. This can be due to practical reasons as it can significantly speed up the computation time, or because we have specific reasoning that makes it sensible to limit the search area. For example, if we would aim to understand how easily accessible public transportation is to citizens living in a city, it would make sense to limit the search area e.g. up to 2 km from the homes of people, because people are not willing to walk for very long distances to reach a bus stop. It’s important to notice that the distances in the calculations are commonly based on the Euclidean distance, i.e. we calculate the distances based on coordinates on a Cartesian plain, meaning that the distances do not consider changes in height (i.e. third dimension is omitted). It is of course possible also to consider 3D distances, but the most typical Python tools ignore the height information.

Nearest neighbour analysis in Python#

In Python, there are various libraries that can be used to find nearest neighbors for given set of geometries, including geopandas, shapely, scipy, scikit-learn, and pysal among others. Here, we first introduce how geopandas can be used to find the nearest neighbors for all Point geometries in a given GeoDataFrame based on Pointobjects from another GeoDataFrame. Then we show how to find nearest neighbor between two Polygon datasets, and finally we show how to use scipy library to find K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) with Point data.

In the following, we go through a very practical example that relates to our daily commute: Where is the closest public transport stop from my place of residence? Hence, our aim is to search for each building point in the Helsinki Region the closest public transport stop. In geopandas, we can find nearest neighbors for all geometries in a given GeoDataFrame using the .sjoin_nearest() method. To test it out, let’s start by reading two datasets representing buildings and stops and visualize them to understand a bit better what we have:

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

stops = gpd.read_file("data/Helsinki/pt_stops_helsinki.gpkg")
building_points = gpd.read_file("data/Helsinki/")

print("Number of stops:", len(stops))
Number of stops: 8377
stop_name stop_lat stop_lon stop_id geometry
0 Ritarihuone 60.16946 24.95667 1010102 POINT (24.95667 60.16946)
1 Kirkkokatu 60.17127 24.95657 1010103 POINT (24.95657 60.17127)
print("Number of buildings:", len(building_points))
Number of buildings: 158731
name geometry
0 None POINT (24.85584 60.20727)
1 Uimastadion POINT (24.93045 60.18882)

As we can see, both GeoDataFrames contain Point geometries. There seems to be approximately 8400 stops and almost 159 thousand buildings. Hence, we have already a fair amount of data and calculations to do, to find the nearest neighbor for each building. Let’s still visualize these data side-by-side:

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 10))

# Plot buildings
building_points.plot(ax=ax1, markersize=0.2, alpha=0.5)

# Plot stops
stops.plot(ax=ax2, markersize=0.2, alpha=0.5, color="red")

Figure 6.47. Maps representing the buildings and public transport stops which we use to find the closest stop for each building.

As mentioned earlier, finding the nearest geometries between two GeoDataFrames (here building and stop points) can be done easily using the .sjoin_nearest() method in geopandas. As the name implies, this method is actually designed to merge data between GeoDataFrames in a similar manner as with regular .sjoin() method. However, in this case the method is actually searching for the closest geometries instead of relying on spatial predicates, such as within. The sjoin_nearest() can be used for different geometry types, so the input geometries do not necessarily need to be Point objects as in our example. Under the hood, the method uses a spatial index called STRTree (Leutenegger et al., 1997) which is an efficient implementation of the R-tree dynamic index structure for spatial searching (Guttman, 1984). The STRTree is implemented in the shapely library (used by geopandas) and the technique makes the nearest neighbor queries very efficient. You can read more about spatial indices in Appendices section of the book. For the method to work properly, it is recommended to ensure that the both GeoDataFrames are having the same coordinate reference system (CRS), and preferably having a projected (metric) CRS because that ensures that the reported distances are meaningful (in meters) and correct. Hence, let’s start by reprojecting our latitude and longitude values into a metric system using the national EUREF-FIN coordinate reference system (EPSG code 3067) for Finland:

stops = stops.to_crs(epsg=3067)
building_points = building_points.to_crs(epsg=3067)

stop_name stop_lat stop_lon stop_id geometry
0 Ritarihuone 60.16946 24.95667 1010102 POINT (386623.301 6672037.884)
1 Kirkkokatu 60.17127 24.95657 1010103 POINT (386623.991 6672239.572)

Now the GeoDataFrames are surely in the same coordinate system and we can see that the coordinates in the geometry column have changed representing meters. Next, we will use the buildings.sjoin_nearest() to find the closest stop for each building. Because we are interested to find the closest stop geometry for each building, the buildings GeoDataFrame is on the left hand side of the command. As inputs, we pass the stops GeoDataFrame as well as give a name for a column which is used to store information about the distance between a given building and the closest stop (this is optional):

closest = building_points.sjoin_nearest(stops, distance_col="distance")
CPU times: user 3 μs, sys: 5 μs, total: 8 μs
Wall time: 19.1 μs
name geometry index_right stop_name stop_lat stop_lon stop_id distance
0 None POINT (381166.6 6676424.438) 1131 Muusantori 60.20749 24.857450 1304138 92.679893
1 Uimastadion POINT (385236.565 6674238.472) 467 Auroran sairaala 60.19145 24.925540 1171122 400.243370
2 None POINT (386317.478 6672100.648) 61 Senaatintori 60.16901 24.950460 1020450 109.819633
3 Hartwall Arena POINT (385225.109 6676120.56) 532 Veturitie 60.20661 24.929680 1174112 104.632434
4 Talli POINT (385079.733 6676989.745) 496 Posti 1 60.21345 24.917550 1172143 472.248282
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
158726 None POINT (373896.051 6677472.204) 4621 Samis 60.21369 24.720970 3170209 195.675552
158727 None POINT (372425.65 6676945.528) 4654 Yrjö Liipolan tie 60.20922 24.695470 3170244 137.137640
158728 None POINT (374696.625 6677972.738) 4655 Kandidaatintie 60.21818 24.736987 3170245 135.341745
158729 Granhultsskolan POINT (373287.582 6677731.639) 4624 Uimahalli 60.21638 24.711260 3170212 99.408108
158730 Kauniaisten kirkko POINT (374112.695 6677330.017) 4665 Postitori 60.21267 24.728250 3170257 67.790422

159818 rows × 8 columns

As a result, we now have found the closest stop for each building including the attributes of the closest stops that were merged into the results. The last column in the table shows the distance in meters between a given building and the closest stop. The distance is only returned upon request as we did by specifying distance_col="distance". The column index_right provides information about the index number of the closest stop in the stops GeoDataFrame. If you look carefully, you can see that the number of rows in our result has actually increased slightly from the original (158731 vs 159818). This happens because for some geometries in the buildings GeoDataFrame, the distance between the building and two (or more) stops have been exactly the same (i.e. they are equidistant). In such cases, the sjoin_nearest() will store both records into the results by duplicating the building information and attaching information from the stops into separate rows accordingly. In some cases, this can cause trouble for further analysis, so it is good to be careful and investigate whether any duplicate buildings have appeared into the results. If this is the case, and if the duplicates cause issues in your analysis, you might need to pick one of them for further analysis based on some criteria. A simple way is to pick the first (or last) duplicate if you do not have any specific justification for making the selection.

The %time command at the beginning of the cell provides us some details about the time it took to find the nearest neighbors and merge the data between the two data sets. As we can see, the computations are very efficient taking only a matter of some microseconds for almost 159 thousand observations. We can make this even faster by specifying a max_distance parameter that specifies the maximum search distance. Here, we specify the maximum distance as 100 meters from each building:

closest_limited = building_points.sjoin_nearest(
    stops, max_distance=100, distance_col="distance"
CPU times: user 5 μs, sys: 2 μs, total: 7 μs
Wall time: 11 μs
name geometry index_right stop_name stop_lat stop_lon stop_id distance
0 None POINT (381166.6 6676424.438) 1131 Muusantori 60.207490 24.857450 1304138 92.679893
10 None POINT (384645.078 6669763.917) 592 Hernesaaren laituri 60.148287 24.923281 1204101 57.786201
12 None POINT (384782.782 6669707.017) 595 Hernesaaren laituri 60.148680 24.924240 1204108 79.844881
13 None POINT (384714.47 6669710.887) 592 Hernesaaren laituri 60.148287 24.923281 1204101 32.640335
16 None POINT (385040.806 6670639.517) 596 Hernesaarenkatu 60.156110 24.930370 1204109 87.888087
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
158718 None POINT (374219.973 6677006.1) 4651 Kauniaisten asema 60.210830 24.729330 3170240 69.803673
158719 None POINT (374231.494 6676967.402) 4642 Kauniaistentie 60.209810 24.731510 3170230 63.384115
158720 None POINT (374602.815 6677396.18) 4673 Raamattuopisto 60.213524 24.736685 3170265 56.594370
158729 Granhultsskolan POINT (373287.582 6677731.639) 4624 Uimahalli 60.216380 24.711260 3170212 99.408108
158730 Kauniaisten kirkko POINT (374112.695 6677330.017) 4665 Postitori 60.212670 24.728250 3170257 67.790422

40128 rows × 8 columns

As we can see, there was a slight improvement in the execution time compared to the previous call without specifying the max_distance parameter. The difference can be more significant if you have larger datasets or more complicated geometries (e.g. Polygons). One important aspect to notice from these results is that the number of rows has decreased significantly: from 160 to 40 thousand buildings. This happens because our search distance was very low (100 meters), and as a consequence, there were many buildings that did not have any stops within 100 meter radius from them. Because the default join type in sjoin_nearest is inner join, all the records that did not have a stop within 100 meters were dropped. If you would like to keep all the records in the results, to e.g. investigate which buildings do not have any stops within the search radius, you can add parameter how="left", which will retain all buildings from the original GeoDataFrame.

In some cases, you might actually want to connect the nearest neighbors to each other with a straight line. For doing this, we need to merge also the Point geometries from the other layer into our results, which can then be used to create a LineString connecting the points to each other. This can be useful for many purposes, but in our case, we want to do this to be able to validate whether our results are correct. For merging the closest stop geometries into our results, we can take advantage of the index_right column in our table and conduct a normal table join using the .merge() method. Below, we create a table join between the tables using the .merge() and use the "index_right" column in the closest GeoDataFrame as a key on the left table while the index of the stops is used as the key on the right table. Notice that we only keep the geometry columns from the stops GeoDataFrame because all the other attributes already exist in our results:

closest = closest.merge(
    stops[[stops.active_geometry_name]], left_on="index_right", right_index=True
name geometry_x index_right stop_name stop_lat stop_lon stop_id distance geometry_y
0 None POINT (381166.6 6676424.438) 1131 Muusantori 60.20749 24.85745 1304138 92.679893 POINT (381256.66 6676446.317)
1 Uimastadion POINT (385236.565 6674238.472) 467 Auroran sairaala 60.19145 24.92554 1171122 400.243370 POINT (384973.331 6674539.973)
2 None POINT (386317.478 6672100.648) 61 Senaatintori 60.16901 24.95046 1020450 109.819633 POINT (386277.25 6671998.462)
3 Hartwall Arena POINT (385225.109 6676120.56) 532 Veturitie 60.20661 24.92968 1174112 104.632434 POINT (385255.784 6676220.595)
4 Talli POINT (385079.733 6676989.745) 496 Posti 1 60.21345 24.91755 1172143 472.248282 POINT (384607.679 6677003.267)

As a result, we now brought a new column into our results, namely the geometry_y. Because there was a column called geometry in both GeoDataFrames, geopandas automatically renamed the columns into geometry_x and geometry_y respectively.

Now we have all the data that we need to create a connecting LineString between the buildings and the closest stops. We can do this by using the linestrings() function of the shapely library which is a fast (vectorized) way to create a number of LineString objects based on point coordinates (the function only accepts numbers as input, i.e. not Point objects). To extract the point coordinates from the Point objects stored in the geometry_x and geometry_y columns, we use the .get_coordinates() method of geopandas that returns the x and y coordinates as Series objects/columns. Then we convert these into numpy arrays using the to_numpy() method which we pass to the linestrings() function. Finally, we store the resulting LineStrings into a column geometry which we set as the active geometry of the GeoDataFrame:

from shapely import linestrings

closest["geometry"] = linestrings(

closest = closest.set_geometry("geometry")
name geometry_x index_right stop_name stop_lat stop_lon stop_id distance geometry_y geometry
0 None POINT (381166.6 6676424.438) 1131 Muusantori 60.20749 24.85745 1304138 92.679893 POINT (381256.66 6676446.317) LINESTRING (381166.6 381256.66, 6676424.438 66...
1 Uimastadion POINT (385236.565 6674238.472) 467 Auroran sairaala 60.19145 24.92554 1171122 400.243370 POINT (384973.331 6674539.973) LINESTRING (385236.565 384973.331, 6674238.472...
2 None POINT (386317.478 6672100.648) 61 Senaatintori 60.16901 24.95046 1020450 109.819633 POINT (386277.25 6671998.462) LINESTRING (386317.478 386277.25, 6672100.648 ...
3 Hartwall Arena POINT (385225.109 6676120.56) 532 Veturitie 60.20661 24.92968 1174112 104.632434 POINT (385255.784 6676220.595) LINESTRING (385225.109 385255.784, 6676120.56 ...
4 Talli POINT (385079.733 6676989.745) 496 Posti 1 60.21345 24.91755 1172143 472.248282 POINT (384607.679 6677003.267) LINESTRING (385079.733 384607.679, 6676989.745...

Great! Now we have created a new geometry column that contains the lines between buildings and the closest stops. To better understand the results, let’s create a nice map that visualizes the buildings, stops and the connecting lines between the buildings and the closest stops in a single figure:

ax = closest.plot(lw=0.5, figsize=(10, 10))
ax = building_points.plot(ax=ax, color="red", markersize=2)
ax = stops.plot(ax=ax, color="black", markersize=8.5, marker="s")
# Zoom to specific area
ax.set_xlim(382000, 384100)
ax.set_ylim(6676000, 6678000);

Figure 6.48. A map showing the buildings (red points), the stops (black rectangles) and the lines between the buildings and the closest stops.

As we can see from the Figure 6.48, the nearest neighbor search have worked well as planned, and each building marked with red color has been correctly connected with a line to the closest stop. The map reveals that there are multiple isolated stops that do not have any buildings connected to them. As a practical example, this information could be used e.g. for transport planning by investigating whether these isolated stops are less used by citizens to get on board of the public transport vehicles. This information could again be used by transport planners to decide whether there is a need to maintain these isolated stops. Thus, with these rather simple computations, one can already provide useful information that has relevance in real life. Finally, because we have calculated the distance between buildings and the stops, it is easy to do some descriptive analysis based on this data providing information about levels of access to public transport in the region:

count    159818.000000
mean        229.029606
std         292.348698
min           0.743490
25%          99.771301
50%         163.805853
75%         260.461391
max        7698.270635
Name: distance, dtype: float64

As we can see, the average distance to public transport in the region is around 230 meters. More than 75 % of the buildings seem to be within within 3.5 minute walking time (~260 meters with walking speed of 4.5 kmph) which indicates very good situation in terms of accessibility levels in the region overall. There seem to be some really remote buildings in the data as well, as the longest distance to closest public transport stop is more than 7 kilometers.

Nearest neighbors with Polygon and LineString data#

In some cases, you might need to find the closest neighbors for a given set of Polygons or LineStrings. Luckily, the sjoin_nearest() method works in a similar manner with all geometry types, i.e. you can find the nearest neighbors using Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString and MultiPoint geometries as input. Also finding nearest neighbors between different geometry types is supported, meaning that you can for example search nearest LineStrings to Polygons, and so on. When using more complex geometries as input (e.g. LineStrings or Polygons), the nearest neighbor search uses spatial index, i.e. it creates bounding boxes around the input geometries and inserts them into an R-Tree which is used to make the search queries more efficient. However, the distance between the nearest neighbours is measured based on the true shapes of the geometric features. In the following, we demonstrate how to conduct nearest neighbor analysis with more complex geometries, such as Polygons and LineStrings.

As a real-life case, we first aim to find the closest urban park to building polygons in a neighborhood called Kamppi, which is located in Helsinki, Finland. Then, we aim to find the closest drivable road (LineString) to each building. Let’s start by reading the data and visualize it on a map:

import geopandas as gpd

buildings = gpd.read_file("data/Helsinki/Kamppi_buildings.gpkg")
parks = gpd.read_file("data/Helsinki/Kamppi_parks.gpkg")
roads = gpd.read_file("data/Helsinki/Kamppi_roads.gpkg")
osmid building name geometry
0 11711721042 yes Nice Bike Pyörähuolto POINT (384966.661 6671503.786)
1 8035238 public Lasipalatsi POLYGON ((385459.65 6672184.469, 385456.356 66...
2 8042297 yes Radisson Blu Royal POLYGON ((385104.154 6671916.693, 385101.584 6...
3 14797170 school None POLYGON ((384815.326 6671762.71, 384815.792 66...
4 14797171 yes None POLYGON ((384797.759 6671853.253, 384798.253 6...
... ... ... ... ...
450 8092998 yes None POLYGON ((384747.465 6671811.996, 384744.27 66...
451 8280536 apartments None POLYGON ((384839.007 6671934.815, 384839.485 6...
452 8525159 civic None POLYGON ((385495.275 6672164.009, 385494.928 6...
453 8525161 civic None POLYGON ((385486.225 6672173.653, 385486.717 6...
454 8535506 civic None POLYGON ((385481.13 6672167.861, 385482.372 66...

455 rows × 4 columns

# Plot buildings, parks and roads
ax = buildings.plot(color="gray", figsize=(10, 10))
ax = parks.plot(ax=ax, color="green")
ax = roads.plot(ax=ax, color="red")

Figure 6.49. A map showing the buildings with gray color and the parks (green) in the neighborhood of Kamppi, Helsinki.

Similarly as finding the nearest neighbor using Points as input data, we can use the .sjoin_nearest() to find nearest neighbor between two Polygon datasets. Here, we find the nearest park for each building Polygon and store the distance into the column distance:

nearest_parks = buildings.sjoin_nearest(parks, distance_col="distance")
osmid_left building name_left geometry index_right osmid_right leisure name_right distance
0 11711721042 yes Nice Bike Pyörähuolto POINT (384966.661 6671503.786) 12 1227991181 park Kaartin lasaretin puisto 100.208527
1 8035238 public Lasipalatsi POLYGON ((385459.65 6672184.469, 385456.356 66... 1 8042613 park Simonpuistikko 16.284929
2 8042297 yes Radisson Blu Royal POLYGON ((385104.154 6671916.693, 385101.584 6... 8 37390082 park None 40.039501
3 14797170 school None POLYGON ((384815.326 6671762.71, 384815.792 66... 5 26999855 park None 0.000000
4 14797171 yes None POLYGON ((384797.759 6671853.253, 384798.253 6... 5 26999855 park None 14.873403
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
450 8092998 yes None POLYGON ((384747.465 6671811.996, 384744.27 66... 5 26999855 park None 70.819624
451 8280536 apartments None POLYGON ((384839.007 6671934.815, 384839.485 6... 8 37390082 park None 38.574646
452 8525159 civic None POLYGON ((385495.275 6672164.009, 385494.928 6... 1 8042613 park Simonpuistikko 32.792083
453 8525161 civic None POLYGON ((385486.225 6672173.653, 385486.717 6... 1 8042613 park Simonpuistikko 90.919207
454 8535506 civic None POLYGON ((385481.13 6672167.861, 385482.372 66... 1 8042613 park Simonpuistikko 87.821936

455 rows × 9 columns

print("Maximum distance:", nearest_parks["distance"].max().round(0))
print("Average distance:", nearest_parks["distance"].mean().round(0))
Maximum distance: 229.0
Average distance: 61.0

Now we have found the nearest park for each building, and as we can see on average the closest park seem to be 61 meters away from the buildings while the longest distance from one of the buildings to the closest park seems to be 229 meters. In a similar manner, we can also find the nearest road from each building as follows:

nearest_roads = buildings.sjoin_nearest(roads, distance_col="distance")
osmid_left building name_left geometry index_right osmid_right name_right highway distance
0 11711721042 yes Nice Bike Pyörähuolto POINT (384966.661 6671503.786) 182 [126894680, 126894676, 126894678, 126894679] Eerikinkatu residential 11.181066
0 11711721042 yes Nice Bike Pyörähuolto POINT (384966.661 6671503.786) 24 [126894680, 126894676, 126894678, 126894679] Eerikinkatu residential 11.181066
1 8035238 public Lasipalatsi POLYGON ((385459.65 6672184.469, 385456.356 66... 15 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 52.015824
1 8035238 public Lasipalatsi POLYGON ((385459.65 6672184.469, 385456.356 66... 33 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 52.015824
2 8042297 yes Radisson Blu Royal POLYGON ((385104.154 6671916.693, 385101.584 6... 83 [37135576, 8035726, 37135575] Salomonkatu residential 6.659959
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
452 8525159 civic None POLYGON ((385495.275 6672164.009, 385494.928 6... 107 51707742 Yrjönkatu residential 88.553223
453 8525161 civic None POLYGON ((385486.225 6672173.653, 385486.717 6... 15 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 90.569914
453 8525161 civic None POLYGON ((385486.225 6672173.653, 385486.717 6... 33 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 90.569914
454 8535506 civic None POLYGON ((385481.13 6672167.861, 385482.372 66... 15 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 96.128437
454 8535506 civic None POLYGON ((385481.13 6672167.861, 385482.372 66... 33 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 96.128437

703 rows × 9 columns

As a result, we now have found the nearest road for each building. We have now 703 rows of data which means that for some buildings there have been more than one road that are exactly the same distance apart. To better understand how the spatial join between the buildings and roads have been conducted, we can again visualize the nearest neighbors with a straight line. To do this, we first bring the geometries from the roads GeoDataFrame into the same table with the buildings:

nearest_roads = nearest_roads.merge(
    roads[["geometry"]], left_on="index_right", right_index=True
osmid_left building name_left geometry_x index_right osmid_right name_right highway distance geometry_y
0 11711721042 yes Nice Bike Pyörähuolto POINT (384966.661 6671503.786) 182 [126894680, 126894676, 126894678, 126894679] Eerikinkatu residential 11.181066 LINESTRING (385040.141 6671566.384, 385034.832...
0 11711721042 yes Nice Bike Pyörähuolto POINT (384966.661 6671503.786) 24 [126894680, 126894676, 126894678, 126894679] Eerikinkatu residential 11.181066 LINESTRING (384942.149 6671500.856, 384950.743...
1 8035238 public Lasipalatsi POLYGON ((385459.65 6672184.469, 385456.356 66... 15 [42574048, 42574049, 28920739, 77891210, 26999... Arkadiankatu secondary 52.015824 LINESTRING (385285.226 6672266.801, 385296.799...

Now we have the geometry_x column representing the building geometries and the geometry_y column representing the road geometries (LineStrings). To visualize the connecting lines between buildings and roads, we first need to create geometries that connect the building and closest road geometry from the locations where the distance is shortest. To do this, we can take advantage of a handy function called shortest_line() from the shapely library that returns a LineString object between the input geometries showing the shortest distance between them. Based on these, we can create a connecting line between a given building and the closest road. Finally, we create a new GeoDataFrame called connectors out of these lines and also store the length of the LineStrings as a separate column:

from shapely import shortest_line

# Generate LineString between nearest points of two geometries
connectors = nearest_roads.apply(
    lambda row: shortest_line(row["geometry_x"], row["geometry_y"]), axis=1

# Create a new GeoDataFrame out of these geometries
connectors = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": connectors},
connectors["distance"] = connectors.length
geometry distance
0 LINESTRING (384966.661 6671503.786, 384960.444... 11.181066
0 LINESTRING (384966.661 6671503.786, 384960.444... 11.181066
1 LINESTRING (385487.966 6672217.975, 385460.972... 52.015824
1 LINESTRING (385487.966 6672217.975, 385460.972... 52.015824
2 LINESTRING (385050.507 6671936.92, 385046.795 ... 6.659959

Great, now we have a new GeoDataFrame that represents the connectors between the buildings and the drivable roads. Finally, we can visualize the buildings, roads and these connectors to better understand the exact points where the distance between a given building and the closest road is shortest:

m = buildings.explore(color="gray", tiles="CartoDB Positron")
m = roads.explore(m=m, color="red")
m = connectors.explore(m=m, color="green")
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Figure 6.50. A map showing the closest road for each building. The LineStrings marked with green color show the exact location where the distance between a given building and the road is shortest.

Question 6.11#

What is the closest road to each park? Use the parks and roads GeoDataFrames and follow the approaches presented above to find the closest road to each park. What is the highest (maximum) distance between parks and roads present in our datasets?

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# Solution

# Find the nearest road
nearest_park_roads = parks.sjoin_nearest(roads, distance_col="distance")

# What is the maximum distance?
max_dist = nearest_park_roads["distance"].max()
print(f"Maximum distance is {max_dist:.2f} meters.")
Maximum distance is 35.14 meters.