Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis

Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis#

Henrikki Tenkanen, Vuokko Heikinheimo & David Whipp

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This is an online version of the book “Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis”, in which we introduce the basics of Python programming and geographic data analysis for all “geo-minded” people (geographers, geologists and others using spatial data). A physical copy of the book will be published later by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). The contents of the book will be developed and shared freely online at licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.

The book consists of 4 parts:

Part 1: Python essentials

New to Python? This part will teach you the fundamental concepts of programming using Python. No previous experience required!

Part 2: Introduction to GIS with Python

This part provides essential building blocks for processing, analyzing and visualizing geographic data using open source Python packages.

Part 3: Geographic data analysis applications

This part of the book will introduce several real-world examples of how to apply geographic data analysis in Python. It assumes that you understand the key concepts presented in previous parts.

Appendices: Working efficiently with Python

The appendices include information for working efficiently with Python: how to develop software with git, how to write and use Python script files, and tips for testing and debugging code.
